Top 4 Methods You Can Apply to Heal Yourself By Spiritual Healer in London
19 JulHey, do you know that staying mentally as well as physically fit by a spiritual healer in London? These days have become no less than a challenge for a large portion of the population out there. Yes. But, why are we saying so? You might be thinking like this. Isn’t it? So, just for your information purposes, the busyness of people these days has increased to a great extent, no matter if they are running a multimillion company or just doing their corporate job.
A common person these days has to handle a ton of stress-creating concerns simultaneously, leading to instability of their mind big time. And as a result, they get extremely depressed or dejected sooner or later in their lifetime due to problems, like estrangement from their girlfriend or boyfriend, divorce from their wife or husband or monetary loss in their business or investment. Now the question comes, “What can you do to restore your mental state to normal if depressed or dejected?” Well, that’s where the Best Spiritual Healer in London comes into the frame.
Yes, you heard that right! Through Spiritual Healing in London, you can get rid of your poor mental state as well as bad thoughts and fears pretty soon.
So, now that the background story is over, it’s time to concentrate on:
What are some effective methods you can use to heal yourself spiritually?
Well, you can treat yourself spiritually by:
1. Adopting grounding meditation
As far as beginning this exercise is concerned, you need to put your feet very comfortably on the floor. Then, take three deep breaths and make sure you release any possible negative energy with each breath. Once done, pay your attention to the sole of your feet and simply imagine that massive roots are extending from your feet to the earth for around six to eight feet deep.
Next, start focusing on the base of your spine and think that your spine is penetrating deeply into the earth. Experience the strong magnetic pull of gravity, i.e., originating from the core of the earth. Then, breathe in for exactly three counts and hold that breath for a few seconds and after that let it flow out for four counts. Keep repeating this exercise pattern three times and when you are done, just open your eyes.
2. Practicing resonant breathing
Another amazing exercise, an excellent Spiritual Healer in London Pandit Shiva Shankar recommends is resonant breathing. Yes. And do you know what you need to do to practice it? Well, you have to lie on your back and breathe in for at least six counts and then breathe out again for six counts. Post you feel calm, please do not forget to change your breathing pattern by:
A. Breathing in using your nose
B. Filling your diaphragm, and
C. Making your chest full of air
After you have done all this, please exhale through your mouth and ensure to repeat this exercise for about 5 or 10 minutes. Ok? This way you might feel a consciousness shift and then pen down your thoughts in a journal.
3. Relying on inner visualization
Now that you have done these two things, we would suggest concentrating on your inner visualization. “But, how?” you might ask. So, for that you need to focus on your troubled area and then imagine emitting energy from that place in the outward direction and then reeling in the energy of the universe to that particular area. Finally, imagine the problematic part feeling a bit better than what it used to be and then, bathe in that particular sensation.
After you have done all this, please exhale through your mouth and ensure to repeat this exercise for about 5 or 10 minutes. Ok? This way you might feel a consciousness shift and then pen down your thoughts in a journal.
4. Starting a regular journaling practice
So, the most important point in this entire text stack is that if you are looking for a bunch of promising ways to make your mental and physical state better than what it is now, you should avoid delaying for even a minute and connect to a top-notch Spiritual Healer in London, i.e, Pandit Shiva Shankar.
On a closing note!
Now that we both are in the concluding section of this prose, we hope you have got an in-depth and holistic sense of Spiritual Healing in London. Isn’t it? Because this particular blog post educated you about some of the tried and tested ways to heal yourself that work wonders in a bad medical condition. So, if you liked what you have read in this primer and now you want to take some significant steps towards your overall treatment, let us tell you that spiritual healing is the best solution for that and Pandit Shiva Shankar is the best spiritual healer for that. Ok? Got it?
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